getQueryParams(); $errors = array(); if (!array_key_exists("teamName", $params) or !isset($params["teamName"])) { $errors[] = "Missing or invalid parameter: teamName"; } if (count($errors)) { $output = array( "status" => "Error", "errors" => $errors, ); } else { $team = $this ->entityManager ->getRDBRepository('Team') ->select(['id', 'useWeightInOpportunitiesDistribution', ]) ->where(['name' => $params['teamName'], ])->findOne(); $team = $team->toArray(); $select = !$team['useWeightInOpportunitiesDistribution'] ? ['id'] : ['id', 'weightInOpportunitiesDistribution', ]; $users = $this ->entityManager ->getRDBRepository("User") ->join("teams") ->select($select)->where(["" => $params["teamName"], "isActive" => True, ])->find(); $users = $users->toArray(); $userId = ''; if (!$team) { $errors[] = "There isn't a team with this teamName."; } if (!$users) { $errors[] = "There isn't users in team with this teamName."; } if (count($errors)) { $output = array( "status" => "Error", "errors" => $errors, ); } else { if (!$team['useWeightInOpportunitiesDistribution']) { shuffle($users); $userId = $users[0]['id']; } else { $sum = 0; $rangedUsers = []; foreach ($users as $user) { $sum += $user['weightInOpportunitiesDistribution']; } $accumulated = 0; foreach ($users as $user) { $accumulated += $user['weightInOpportunitiesDistribution'] * (100 / $sum); $rangedUsers[$user['id']] = round($accumulated, 2); } $rand = round(mt_rand(0, 10000) / 100, 2); foreach ($rangedUsers as $id => $max) { if ($rand <= $max) { $userId = $id; break; } } } $output = array( "status" => "Success", "data" => ['userId' => $userId, 'teamId' => $team['id'], ], ); } } $response->writeBody(json_encode($output)); } }